Big, surprising, colourful and connecting with the child in all of us. The menagerie of giant puppets and walkabouts are waiting in the wings to bring fun and festivities to your outdoor (or large indoor!) event. Beautifully hand-made and infused with there very own puppet magic that just makes you want to stop and interact, See below collection of characters who are guaranteed to make the punters smile.

FLYING DODOS Despite all the odds, an unknown subspecies of the dodo has been discovered! Much larger than their extinct cousins and able to fly (sort of), Charles and Amelia, two relics of a bygone era, are very excited to be travelling the world to see what they’ve been missing!!!! Great for family events as very interactive, bright and colourful 3 x 40 minute sets in a day (or 2 sets and a parade) Two performers, two puppets.

HIPPOCHONDRIAC Part animal and part mechanical, Hieronymus the hippo is feeling under the weather. Fortunately, his companion doctor/mechanic is only too eager to show you what’s under the bonnet to diagnose the problem. What follows is an array of puppet shows built into the troubled creature revealing the origin of his malaise. Primarily walkabout, but tends to stop once every set to perform one of two available 5 minute shows Very good at interacting with people, and tends to draw a bit of a crowd 3 x 40 minute sets in a day (or 2 sets and a parade) Two performers – one operating the puppet and one acting as a guide (who is also a musician) It’s big and on wheels, so… no steps, no rough ground, no hills, no narrow alleys, and he can’t really go through doors unless very wide. He is OK on grass but not if it’s really muddy ground

JELLISH The ocean is broken. Legions of jellyfish are filling the seas, clogging harbours, lining beaches–are they trying to tell us something? In “Jellish” a bloom of giant illuminated jellyfish transforms night time streets or fields of a festival into a strange and magical in-between world. Works in twilight/dusk and dark, but not in the daytime Works well in a big space as has quite an impact, but also able to be quite interactive close up 2 x 40 minute sets in an evening (or one set and a parade) Various iterations dependent on event and budget The jellyfish are accompanied by a crew member/technician You can have three jellyfish, four jellyfish and five jellyfish

PLUCKY Meet Plucky: our very big, very friendly and possibly over curious chicken. Accompanied by her hen-pecked sidekick, Plucky guarantees to bring fun, farmyard frolics, music and song to everyone. Egg-xactly what your event needs Playful, mischievous energy; good with crowds due to scale 3 x 40 minute sets in a day (or 2 sets and a parade) One performer inside puppet, one outside acting as a guide (who is also a musician)

SUN BIRDS Whether at rest or flying, our three spectacular Sun Birds will bring a dynamic magic to any parade or event. Four metres tall with a 5 metre wingspan, these puppets are made to catch the wind allowing them to soar and have a constant animation. Birds can be hired individually or as a set of three. We can provide puppeteers or can provide a lead puppeteer to train in volunteers. Walkabout Great for family events as bright and colourful, and work well due to scale 3 x 40 minute sets in a day (or 2 sets and a parade) Various iterations dependent on event and budget Each bird has three performers, and one musician accompanies the group You can have one bird, two birds and three birds.

YESHE THE YAK Yeshe is a gentle, mysterious and curious yak. He’s very fond of children especially those who might carefully stroke his nose or tickle his fringe. He is a one-person puppet about 6 feet tall and 12 feet long with a very articulate and emotive head. He is accompanied by a handle • Has quite a mysterious and ambient energy, very gentle, good for families • 3 x 40 minute sets in a day (or 2 sets and a parade) • One performer inside puppet, one outside acting as a guide